Sunday, December 2, 2012

Essential Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a form of Internet marketing to increase the visibility of your website in search engines. Successful search engine marketing requires effective SEO and should be seen as a campaign rather than a one-off marketing strategy.

What Search Engines Search For

The objective of the search engine is to provide accurate and relevant information to the online searchers. The engines crawlers will crawl the texts in your webpage to identify the content before deciding whether your webpage provides the relevant information to the current search.

6 Suggestions to increase Visibility of Webpage in Search Engines

(1) Keywords Optimization

Keywords Research

In order to capture the maximum market share, it is crucial to identify the common keywords that the target audience uses in their online searches. The objective is to include these popular search terms in your content so that the engine crawlers will deem your website as a suitable match to the searches and direct these viewers to your website.

(2) Writing SEO Friendly Content

Repeat Keywords Repeatedly but Naturally

As explained, search engines will crawl your webpage for keywords and analyze the keywords frequency in your article. The higher the keyword frequency, the more the engine crawlers will associate the keyword as the main content of your article. Thus, you should include the popular keywords throughout your article to increase the keywords density as your website will not be displayed if your content does not return any of the searched terms.

However, avoid keyword stuffing as engine crawlers will determine that you are actually spamming your article. This will reduce your website ranking or your website will be excluded from search engine searches totally. A rough gauge is to adhere to a keyword density of 20% to the total number of words in your webpage.

Improve Prominence of Keywords

Search engines give more importance to keywords found in the page title, heading/sub-headings, opening and final paragraph of the page. You can then make use of this information to include popular keywords at the appropriate locations of your webpage to increase the searchability of your website according to these keywords that you have identified.

Categorized Your Content

It is useful to categorize your content and provide a heading/sub-heading to each paragraph. This will allow engine crawlers to identify the main content of your article from the keywords in the headings and also allows ease of reading for your readers.

(3) Adding Meta Tags to Webpages

Adding meta tags will enable the engine crawlers to differentiate the exact content of each of your blog post or webpage. This will help enhance the visibility of your website and drive the targeted viewers to the relevant webpage.

In the meta tag, you should (a) indicate the URL of each webpage, (b) gives a summarized description of the individual webpage (recommended to include the most popular keyword) and (c) identify the relevant keyword searches.

(4) Backlinks

Number of Backlinks

Your website ranking is also influenced by the number of external inbound links from other websites. Search engines will deduce that a website with more backlinks is more likely to provide useful information to the target audience and thus giving your website a higher ranking in the process.

Quality of Backlinks

The content of your website must also be relevant to the sources that provide the external linkages. The more related the content, the higher quality of the backlinks which will further enhance your website popularity.

Internal Links

Other than external links, internal links are just as important to improve your website ranking. Internal links help (a) engine crawlers identify further related pages in your website and (b) using keyword texts accompanied by internal links will also highlight the relevancy of the keywords. This increases the likelihood that the highlighted keywords will be picked up by the engine crawlers and display your website when the said keywords are being searched.

It is thus beneficial to request for link exchanges with other complimentary websites and to ensure adequate internal links to improve website ranking.

(5) Optimizing Images

Engine crawlers are only able to read the page texts and html texts. By adding relevant keywords in the ALT and TITLE attributes of your images will allow search engine crawlers to read the ALT and TITLE attributes to determine the content of the image file.

An optimized image can serve as a useful marketing tool. Viewers will be directed to your website when they click on your optimized images after their image searches turn up your images due to the inclusion of the ALT and TITLE attributes.

(6) Submitting Website to Search Engines

Besides doing the above, you should also take the initiative to submit your website to Google and Yahoo to increase your website's visibility.

If you are promoting your blog, you can submit the site feed (either the Really Simple Syndication or Atom formats) instead of your blog URL so that search engines will be notified when you have added new posts to your blog.

The Importance of SEO in Business Promotion   How Google Analytics Can Boost Your AdWords Performance   How Do You Promote Your Website On the Internet?   Buying High Quality Links After the Penguin Update - How to Do It   SEO Copywriting for Popularity and a Higher Search Engine Ranking   


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