Sunday, December 2, 2012

Three SEO Tactics You Cannot Do Without

Your business is virtually nonexistent if your target market cannot see you online. And with more than 60% of internet traffic originating from search engines, SEO has become a necessity for a business to succeed. Over the past few years, SEO agencies have innovated several optimization techniques and strategies ranging from the most simple to the highly advanced tactics.

This full suite of services are great when combined, however, not all businesses have the resources in terms of time and money to do everything, especially small and family enterprises. If you're one of them and you have to choose only three search engine optimization tactics you will do, these three should definitely be on your list.

How is Google Indexing Your Site?

No matter how limited your budget or your time is, do not skip this step. If you're not getting any traffic from Google, then this will give you the basic data to explain your current status. In a nutshell, knowing your Google Indexing status will give you an overview if your site is getting listed on Google's search results pages or not.

You can do this even without the help of an SEO company. Just logged into your Google Webmaster Tools (if you don't have one, create now!), go to "Health" and go to "Index Status." Once you're here, select the "Advanced" tab. Once you're here, you basically want to look closer into the numbers under the "Total Indexed" and "Not Selected" categories. If your site has 100 pages and GWT shows that only 10 are being indexed, then you have an issue. The next thing to look at is the number under "Not Selected." Google defines this as: "URLs from your site that redirect to other pages or URLs whose contents are substantially similar to other pages." This can also indicate pages with noindex tags on them.

After you conducted this indexing diagnostic, fixing your site to make sure you get the most number of pages indexed as possible is not that easy and experts recommend that you tap into the services of professional SEO agencies.

Focus on High Potential Keywords

The best SEO company would advise for businesses to target both high potential and long tail keywords, but if you do not have the luxury of time and budgetary resources, then focus on the high potential keywords. You can do this by identifying the unique or primary products and services you are offering and you must have a dedicated page for each of these featuring the high potential keywords. Further, be aware of the title tags you use. They should focus on the distinct content of the page and the same tag should not be repeated several times on different pages.

Be Innovative and Creative in Your Link Building Strategies

The number of inbound links your site has is still the #1 factor that Google considers when it comes to rankings. SEO agencies employ a number of link building strategies to drive traffic, but if your resources are very limited, you have to be creative and innovative. Why not have your top spokesperson give an interview to an online news site? You can also create articles and submit them as guest blog posts to industry internet publications. You can also ask your local business organization to link to you. Whatever happens, do not subscribe to cheap and unethical automated link building services which can do more harm to your site.

Having a partner SEO company is still the best way to strengthen your SEO efforts, but if you have limited resources, the three mentioned above should be the bare minimum.

The Importance of SEO in Business Promotion   How Google Analytics Can Boost Your AdWords Performance   How Do You Promote Your Website On the Internet?   Buying High Quality Links After the Penguin Update - How to Do It   SEO Copywriting for Popularity and a Higher Search Engine Ranking   

Essential Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a form of Internet marketing to increase the visibility of your website in search engines. Successful search engine marketing requires effective SEO and should be seen as a campaign rather than a one-off marketing strategy.

What Search Engines Search For

The objective of the search engine is to provide accurate and relevant information to the online searchers. The engines crawlers will crawl the texts in your webpage to identify the content before deciding whether your webpage provides the relevant information to the current search.

6 Suggestions to increase Visibility of Webpage in Search Engines

(1) Keywords Optimization

Keywords Research

In order to capture the maximum market share, it is crucial to identify the common keywords that the target audience uses in their online searches. The objective is to include these popular search terms in your content so that the engine crawlers will deem your website as a suitable match to the searches and direct these viewers to your website.

(2) Writing SEO Friendly Content

Repeat Keywords Repeatedly but Naturally

As explained, search engines will crawl your webpage for keywords and analyze the keywords frequency in your article. The higher the keyword frequency, the more the engine crawlers will associate the keyword as the main content of your article. Thus, you should include the popular keywords throughout your article to increase the keywords density as your website will not be displayed if your content does not return any of the searched terms.

However, avoid keyword stuffing as engine crawlers will determine that you are actually spamming your article. This will reduce your website ranking or your website will be excluded from search engine searches totally. A rough gauge is to adhere to a keyword density of 20% to the total number of words in your webpage.

Improve Prominence of Keywords

Search engines give more importance to keywords found in the page title, heading/sub-headings, opening and final paragraph of the page. You can then make use of this information to include popular keywords at the appropriate locations of your webpage to increase the searchability of your website according to these keywords that you have identified.

Categorized Your Content

It is useful to categorize your content and provide a heading/sub-heading to each paragraph. This will allow engine crawlers to identify the main content of your article from the keywords in the headings and also allows ease of reading for your readers.

(3) Adding Meta Tags to Webpages

Adding meta tags will enable the engine crawlers to differentiate the exact content of each of your blog post or webpage. This will help enhance the visibility of your website and drive the targeted viewers to the relevant webpage.

In the meta tag, you should (a) indicate the URL of each webpage, (b) gives a summarized description of the individual webpage (recommended to include the most popular keyword) and (c) identify the relevant keyword searches.

(4) Backlinks

Number of Backlinks

Your website ranking is also influenced by the number of external inbound links from other websites. Search engines will deduce that a website with more backlinks is more likely to provide useful information to the target audience and thus giving your website a higher ranking in the process.

Quality of Backlinks

The content of your website must also be relevant to the sources that provide the external linkages. The more related the content, the higher quality of the backlinks which will further enhance your website popularity.

Internal Links

Other than external links, internal links are just as important to improve your website ranking. Internal links help (a) engine crawlers identify further related pages in your website and (b) using keyword texts accompanied by internal links will also highlight the relevancy of the keywords. This increases the likelihood that the highlighted keywords will be picked up by the engine crawlers and display your website when the said keywords are being searched.

It is thus beneficial to request for link exchanges with other complimentary websites and to ensure adequate internal links to improve website ranking.

(5) Optimizing Images

Engine crawlers are only able to read the page texts and html texts. By adding relevant keywords in the ALT and TITLE attributes of your images will allow search engine crawlers to read the ALT and TITLE attributes to determine the content of the image file.

An optimized image can serve as a useful marketing tool. Viewers will be directed to your website when they click on your optimized images after their image searches turn up your images due to the inclusion of the ALT and TITLE attributes.

(6) Submitting Website to Search Engines

Besides doing the above, you should also take the initiative to submit your website to Google and Yahoo to increase your website's visibility.

If you are promoting your blog, you can submit the site feed (either the Really Simple Syndication or Atom formats) instead of your blog URL so that search engines will be notified when you have added new posts to your blog.

The Importance of SEO in Business Promotion   How Google Analytics Can Boost Your AdWords Performance   How Do You Promote Your Website On the Internet?   Buying High Quality Links After the Penguin Update - How to Do It   SEO Copywriting for Popularity and a Higher Search Engine Ranking   

Online Visibility - A Difficult Target To Reach

The growing competition has made is difficult to stay ahead of your competitors. This holds true more and more for online businesses. The traditional business had its challenges for centuries now. The online business is just a decade old probably and thus the challenges we are seeing in the web-space are never seen before. Unlike a few years back, you can't relax after creating a great website. The moment you are done with creating the website, you are needed to optimize it for better ranking across various search engines. To be correct, the optimization starts during the creation of the website itself.

The increase in the number of internet users and online shoppers has virtually forced everybody to have an online presence. If you are not selling your products online, you are surely missing a trick, a real big trick. The online businesses need visitors, else it is worthless to have the websites. To have visitors, who are potential buyers, your website must be ranked high enough in the search engine result page to catch the attention of the user. To get a better rank, you must use internet marketing tools.

If you own a website, you will know the importance of SEO. The knowledge and implementation of SEO are a must for every owner of online business. To expand the business and to get known by more people around the globe, you need to perform SEO tricks on your website or get it done by some professional SEO people.

Achieving this online visibility is the most difficult part and no man, how efficient he may be, can achieve this alone. There are so many issues to take care of and in this age of cut-throat competition we need experts to take care of each issue. Some important aspects, to take care of, are on-page optimization, off-page optimization, social media optimization, local listings etc. All these fields are evolving rapidly and we need experts of all these fields to work for your website in tandem to get you the desired rank on the SERP.

As you have other important aspects of your business to attend to, you possibly can't sit and do all these yourself nor can you monitor and supervise the guys doing these for you. You simply need to hire a good SEO company who will understand your business goals, research well and are updated about the latest trends and tricks of SEO. They should also have experts of each specific sector who knows that particular field the best and can help you to achieve what you really deserve. AS good SEO company also will refrain from using any dirty method as that might hurt your business in the long run. On the contrary, a good SEO firm will supply you with regular data about how your website is ranked across various search engines, how much traffic you are enjoying and what is your position in local search.

The Importance of SEO in Business Promotion   How Google Analytics Can Boost Your AdWords Performance   Buying High Quality Links After the Penguin Update - How to Do It   SEO Copywriting for Popularity and a Higher Search Engine Ranking   

Stating the Obvious: Things You Should Test for Conversion Optimization

A lot of things have been said about conversion rate optimization. However, when it comes to businesses' desire to increase conversation rates, there's no such thing as too much tips and everyone is always all-ears to an SEO company who is willing to share its trade secrets on how to transform web traffic to something more productive.

As mentioned above, this is already stating the obvious, but sometimes, it is the things under their noses that most people fail to see.

Take a Peek at Your Competitors' Backyard

Forget about what your teacher told you when you were in grade school. Go ahead and copy what your "classmates" are doing. The term "best practices" flies out of every marketer's mouth every so often and this is what you are exactly emulating.

However, this does not mean that you should produce a carbon copy of their strategies and tactics. Take what they are currently doing and test them among your site visitors. To increase your conversion, throw out those that did not work and copy the things that were effective. Then add an extra step. The good techniques you got from your competitors, do them better.

Utilize Web Analytics to Categorize Your Test Audience

Different strokes for different folks - this old adage should not be undermined by an SEO company when conducting conversion optimization testing. It is not uncommon for many businesses or websites to have the same approach, the same sales funnel, the same landing page for different audiences. But internet users are different from one another and to increase conversion rates, one should be able to identify common denominators and characteristics and use these to segment audiences accordingly. Luckily, you can now use analytics data (and many of them are free) to help you organize your grouping.

Listen to those Who are in the Line of Fire

Whether they admit it or not, sitting on the director's chair or the captain seat barking orders around is the dream of many marketers. However, don't forget that the richest of insights can be derived from the frontline. It is best practice for every business and SEO company to listen to the people who actually interface with your site visitors, customers or clients. For example:

• If you have a sales force, you can ask them how they explain the functionality of your site which might be too complex for the not too savvy, but equally important prospect.

• If you have a phone-based customer service team, a lot of irate customers have certainly informed them what's making their lives difficult.

The tips stated above are definitely not products or rocket science. However, their simplicity makes them easily ignorable. To increase conversion rates, you have to be a master of the two ends of the marketing spectrum - from the simplest to the most sophisticated.

The Importance of SEO in Business Promotion   How Google Analytics Can Boost Your AdWords Performance   Buying High Quality Links After the Penguin Update - How to Do It   SEO Copywriting for Popularity and a Higher Search Engine Ranking   How Do You Promote Your Website On the Internet?   Discover Search Engine Optimization Secrets   

Why SEO Services Now Have A Place In Corporate Conversations

Why are countless businesses have end up being enthusiastic about search engine marketing? Well simply put, if you set up a well-thought-out SEO positioning methodology from day one, you are able to effectively get cost-free internet visitors from this point forward.

Today, I am going to present to you how to set up your site's "on-page SEO" the right way, so that your all around SE optimization methodology will be running at top functionality for the lifetime of your internet site.

What the heck is On-Page SEO?

Straight away, the phrase "on-page search engine optimization" quite possibly is a pretty imprecise phrase to the majority of folks.

In the an entire world of web optimization, you will find three primary exercises that can help your web site increase website traffic and presence from the search engine (SE) pages:

Make an effort to pull in other websites to connect to yours (i.e., "link attraction").

Build website content (such as blog posts, webpages, video, and photos).

Boost your site code, written content, webpage composition, meta tags, as well as other "on-page" aspects to be "SE friendly."

Below, we are going to discuss part number three in detail.

Exactly why is On-Page Website SEO Key?

There are many arguments why on-page website SEO is very important. Now, we shall jump into the precisely why.

It expands your website's total web optimization functionality.

If you ever dedicate all of your current power and funds on linking but neglect on-page SEO, you will get a lot less bang for your "SEO dollars."

Even while it is genuine that building links can certainly help your websites increase in the various search engines, proper on-page web optimization can help you transform more off of the results pages (using appropriately built title tags and meta data) and in many cases allow you to succeed with those paper thin spats for the very first page of SE results.

You might as well give your backlink building its very best prospect of achievements, true?

You can accomplish it just once and not have to put money into it anymore.

In principle, if you build your web page and carry out the perfect on-page SEO elements (such as H1, title tags, and site design), you do not need to go back continuously and optimize your website. As the internet site evolves, on-page search engine optimization will mature with it.

It will ensure your traffic is more focused and applicable.

This is usually a particularly vital advantage. If you make a cognizant determination to pay attention to your on-page SEO, you'll get far more qualified and applicable visitors. It is when you forget about it that you receive lesser quality site visitors.

It is definitely safe and sound.

Presuming you do not attempt to search phrase spam, on-page search engine optimization is definitely the most dependable form of SEO. Basically, it is not going to get your web site punished by the search engines like Google.

The truth is, your site can be suspended from Yahoo, Bing, and Google. And the majority of the sites that are banned were purchasing links to mislead the system. If you would like stay with a 100% secure search engine marketing plan, focus only on on-page SEO and making content.

While this may make for very good functionality, it isn't the ideal method.

The most dynamic website positioning approach entails making use of a collaboration of both on-page and off-page search engine optimization.

Off-page SEO calls for building backlinks to your website, which are inserted within applicable subject matter. Although this is not as safe and sound as on-page search engine optimization, it is a wholly vital measure if you wish to visit your internet site on the first pages of the search engines like Google. Unsurprisingly, off-page search engine optimization is more complicated than on-page SEO. As such, this subject matter demands an article of it's very own, and I will furnish this type of report in the very near future.

The Importance of SEO in Business Promotion   How Google Analytics Can Boost Your AdWords Performance   Buying High Quality Links After the Penguin Update - How to Do It   SEO Copywriting for Popularity and a Higher Search Engine Ranking   How Do You Promote Your Website On the Internet?   Benefits of SEO Training Courses   

The Many Benefits of Video Creation and Link Building Service

There is great demand for online entertainment to promote business products and services effectively. Video Submission is a process where you create a video which is text based or in the form of a presentation with high quality sound. This video is then submitted to various online channels in order to attract potential audience. Video submission is an effective method to engage your viewers. Online video creation is a good way to improve user experience when they are visiting a website. These videos hold their attention and ensure that you pass your message across the world effectively.

The use of the video submission method enhances your website's ranking on top search engines. However, online video creation services will put searched keywords into the videos. It means that the search engines will be able to recognize the keywords easily in videos. This is why a video online marketing service proves to be a successful method in order to enhance your page ranking. It is an important part for online marketing, as it increases potential target on your website. Experts prove that most Internet users prefer online video to gather rich information. Therefore, online video creation is essential since it engages audio-visually. It also holds user's attention better than just when they have to find quick information.

There are various video submission tools that one can employ to create videos and post online. Hiring a video creation service is however the best option since they are well aware with the new and advanced tools used for this service. The professionals working with the company are trained and experienced to create interesting and unique videos to post. The use of unique tools means you get great quality prints for videos. The process of video submission service with the help of a professional's creation can save lots of time and money. Hence, it will not affect your ongoing business work as well as your social life. Therefore, you should consider video production services.

In addition to these, hiring link building service can enhance your online business to great levels. Link building is the way of obtaining links that lead to one's own website. This service will definitely help you in getting quality links to your website. Link building is ideal for websites in highly competitive markets. Building proper links to your website will improve the page ranking on top search engines. A complete link building exercise involves excellent benefits of keyword research. Another benefit you can expect from a complete link building service is that you are likely you direct traffic, index dynamic pages, and wider range coverage from a multitude of online sources.

There are various SEO companies in the market that provide excellent link building and video submission service at affordable rates. Depending on the need and requirement you can opt for different packages offered by the company. Ensure that you read reviews posted on the site in order to get a fair idea about the company's reputation in the market.

The Importance of SEO in Business Promotion   How Google Analytics Can Boost Your AdWords Performance   Buying High Quality Links After the Penguin Update - How to Do It   SEO Copywriting for Popularity and a Higher Search Engine Ranking   How Do You Promote Your Website On the Internet?   Benefits of SEO Training Courses   

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